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Advanced Controls, Report | Fact Sheet

GSA’s Green Proving Ground program recently assessed the potential of wireless sensor technology to provide a cost-effective and facilities-friendly way of helping data center operators visualize and implement system changes that reduce overall energy consumption. Findings include significant cost savings, as well as a substantial reduction in cooling load and CO2 emissions.  Sensors utilizing a wireless mesh network and data management software to capture and graphically display real time conditions for energy optimization were installed in a demonstration project.

This ZNE Technology Application (TA) Guide provides an overview of luminaire level lighting control (LLLC). The full LLLC approach provides controllability at each fixture with real-time energy tracking and data collection, and it aligns with current trends and interests in space utilization, occupant satisfaction and productivity. This TA guide describes the system, features and benefits, energy performance from both modeled and measured results, application considerations, costs and trends.

Controls Integration, Report | Fact Sheet