About the Project
Utica University in Utica, New York, is recognized in the Germicidal Ultraviolet (GUV) Systems for Energy Savings and Improved Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) category. The university installed upper room GUV technologies in key areas of the campus to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and other airborne diseases. This technology was installed in 56 classrooms, weight rooms, locker rooms, and the campus health center waiting room and exam rooms. The installation cost approximately $250,000. Power usage values and equivalent air changes per hour (eACH) are as follows:
- Classrooms: 38.6 eACH (coronavirus), 5.1 eACH (MS2 challenge pathogen), 56 watts
- Health Center: 48.7 eACH (coronavirus), 6.4 eACH (MS2 challenge pathogen), 26 watts