The Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) is the recognized technical authority on illumination. The IES builds upon a century of excellence to create the premier lighting community dedicated to promoting the art and science of quality lighting to its members, allied professional organizations, the lighting community and the public. Its objective has been to communicate information on all aspects of quality lighting practice through various programs, publications, and services. IES is a forum for the exchange of ideas and information and a vehicle for its members' professional development and recognition. Through technical committees, with hundreds of qualified individuals from the lighting and user communities, IES correlates research, investigations, and discussions to guide lighting professionals and lay persons via consensus-based lighting recommendations. IES is almost 8,000 members strong. Its members work with lighting in various capacities—lighting designers, architects, interior designers, government and utility personnel, engineers, contractors, manufacturers, distributors, researchers and educators—throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, and around the world.